Food Celebrations Guidelines

Guidelines for Food Celebrations  (download)

Food Celebrations at Harding Township School

●Throughout the school year, there are several occasions when students celebrate an event/holiday with food.
●These celebrations include K-2 birthday parties, quarterly birthday celebrations for grades 3-5, Halloween, Valentine’s Day…
●Effective this year, for all food celebrations, food brought to school must come from the approved safe foods list.
●This is an effort to allow celebrations to continue, but in the safest manner for all of our students.
●Food brought to school from this list must be in the original, unopened package from the store.
●No food items can be prepared at home, so as to eliminate the possibility of cross contamination.

 Approved Safe Foods List:

●Original Oreos (not special flavored)
●Original Tostitos (not special flavored)
●School Safe Cupcakes (available at Shop Rite and Whole Foods)
●Store packaged apple slices
●Bags of clementines